
Cascades of Doubt - Medea

Jason, the legendary hero of Graeco-Roman times, comes to Colchis on the Black Sea to retrieve the golden fleece. Medea, daughter of the king and high priestess of a human-sacrificing cult, falls in love with him and steals the fleece from the temple. They escape to Corinth in Greece. After ten years and two sons, Jason tells Medea that she is to be banished and that he is going to marry princess Glauce. Medea seems to accept the news calmly and later sends Jason a cloak and headpiece as gifts. When Jason puts them on they erupt in flames and the girl plunges over a cliff. Medea takes her two sons and after bathing them and putting them to bed, silently murders each with a dagger. Jason comes to her to beg for the bodies of the sons, but she conjures up a wall of flame and, screaming at him, allowes herself to be consumed by the fire.
(after Euripides)

Medea   Hamlet   Casablanca   Robocop